The Mars: Metaverse Project – Best Play To Earn Game

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The Mars: Metaverse Project – Best Play To Earn Game

The Mars team is developing the metaverse platform, where everyone can make their dreams reality.

In the Mars-themed metaverse platform, there is a small territory about 1km in diameter called a “Colony”. A user can own land on the colony with NFT (Non-fungible Token) and build a house or a commercial building on it. It is also possible to be leased through a Blockchain’s Smart Contract.

Users earn rewards with Mars Token (MRST) by contributing via gameplay to the platform of The Mars. The Mars’ economic system is designed to ensure that all users who play in the platform can gain financial benefits by Play-to-Earn.

The metaverse platform of The Mars is currently under development to be released in 2023,

and aims to be AAA project which is connected to the Blockchain ecosystem includes game,

e-commerce, online business, social networking service, social networking game, etc.

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The Mars: Metaverse Project – Best Play To Earn Game

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